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Pesticide application & records

  • Pesticides with Reduced Risk (RR) or Organophosphate (OP) Alternative rating in the EPA listing are chosen as an alternative to non-RR or OP pesticides.
  • Orchard sprayer, including hoses, nozzles and pumps, is inspected at least once per season and replaced as needed. Equipment is calibrated at the start of the season and the procedure is recorded.
  • Calibration of orchard sprayer is subsequently checked at least once during the growing season and equipment is recalibrated as needed.
  • A written pesticide drift management plan is in place, and/or air-induction nozzles are used to reduce pesticide drift.
  • Herbicide sprayer is calibrated at the start of the season. Procedure is recorded.
  • The grower has calculated tree-row volume for each block and applications conform to tree-row volume calculations (unless rate per acre specified on pesticide label).