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Branching young trees

Timing Product Concentration Rate Comments
BEFORE buds break in spring on 1-year old wood Maxcel, Promalin; exilis plus, exilis 9.5 SC 5,000 ppm see label If dormant buds are present on one-year-old wood only. DO NOT apply after bud break. See product labels for more details and instructions.
AFTER bud break in spring on 1-year old wood Maxcel, Promalin; exilis plus, exilis 9.5 SC 400 to 500 ppm see label If buds have broken, and the leaf tissue is showing on one-year-old wood. Apply by spraying with a back-pack sprayer. Works best when temperatures are warm and there is enough tissue to absorb the PGR. Note: Never add surfactant to a solution of MaxCel as it is already included in the formulated product. Promalin should be combined with a NIS following the label instructions.
2-year old wood, coinciding with bud break Maxcel 1,500 ppm 9.2 fl oz per gal water Make a notch with a hacksaw blade (narrow, fine-toothed saw, usually used for cutting metal) just above the existing bud scar on the leader. Then, on nonbearing trees, immediately spray the cut with a 1500 PPM solution.

For more information on branching young trees, see the UMass Fact Sheet F-140 Branching Young Apple Trees with Plant Growth Regulators