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Rhagoletis pomonella


Female AM deposit single eggs under the skin of apples and, once hatched, larvae tunnel through apple flesh leaving brown trails. Egg-laying punctures are difficult to find unless the fruit is heavily attacked, as are most apples in an abandoned orchard.


  • Adult AM is slightly smaller than the common house fly, with a bright white spot at the center of the dorsum (back), 4 black wing bands (3 of which look like letter F), and 3 or 4 white stripes on the abdomen. Mature larvae are 3/8 inch long, legless, white, peg-shaped, legless larvae.
  • Apple maggot flies overwinter in the soil as pupae, and emerge as adult flies in June - July. They migrate to apple trees from unsprayed or abandoned trees and are known to migrate for at least half a mile. Once adults emerge from the pupae in the soil, they feed and mate. About 10-14 days after adult emergence females start depositing their eggs. Larvae feed for 3-4 weeks before leaving fruit and entering the soil.
  • Activity usually ceases in late August or early September but can extend into October on late cultivars.
  • There is one generation per year.


  • AM adult flies can be monitored using sticky coated red spheres that mimic ripening apple fruits or with yellow sticky boards which act as a leaf mimic. The addition of an apple odor-based 5-component lure (commercially available at Trece, Inc.(link is external)) increases AM trap captures.
  • Set out traps in late June at the rate of 1 trap per 3-5 acres, but not less than 3 traps per block. Place traps near the block periphery, 1 or 2 rows in from outermost row. Remove any leaves or fruit touching the traps.
  • Apple varieties most susceptible to maggot attack are Wealthy, Cortland, Gravenstein, Red and Golden Delicious, and early sweet or subacid varieties. However, AM will attack any variety.


  • Recommended treatment threshold is an average of 2 AM per unbaited trap or 5 AM per baited trap.
  • Trap captures for a week following insecticide treatment are ignored. Subsequent sprays can be applied once the threshold is reached again.
Apple maggot fly adult (Photo H. Faubert, URI)

Apple maggot fly adult (Photo H. Faubert, URI)
Apple maggot fly (Rhagoletis pomonella) female (photo: Joseph Berger,

Apple maggot fly (Rhagoletis pomonella) female (photo: Joseph Berger,
Apple maggot fly larval trails (Photo H. Faubert, URI)

Apple maggot fly larval trails (Photo H. Faubert, URI)