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Disease: Fire Blight

FRAC Product Rate / Acre REI-hours PHI-days Efficacy Comments
M1 Badge SC 0.5 to 1.5 pt. 48 0   This and the following copper products will also provide 5 to 7 days of protection from apple scab.
M1 Badge X2 3.5 to 7 lb. 48 0    
M1 Champ Dry Prill 5.5 to 10.5 lb. 48 0    
M1  Champ Formula 2 Flowable 5.3 to 10.5 pt. 48 0    
M1 C-O-C-S WDG 8 to 11.7 lb. 24 0    
M1 Cuprofix Ultra 40 Disperss 5 to 7.5 lb 48 0    
M1 Kocide 3000 3.5 to 7 lb. 48 0    
M1 Kocide 3000-O 3.5 to 7 lb. 48 0   Approved for organic use. 

Disease: Apple Scab

FRAC Product Rate / Acre REI-hours PHI-days Efficacy Comments
None urea 44 lb. 0 0   Spray apple leaves on trees after harvest or on the ground in fall or spring. Mix 44 lb. of food grade urea (46-0-0) in 100 gal. of water.

Insect: European Red Mite

IRAC Product Rate / Acre REI-hours PHI-days Efficacy Comments
None Horticultural oil 2 to 3 gal. per
100 gal. water.
Varies by product, 4 or 12 hours. 0 High Many brand name products, check label to confirm REI & PHI.   Phytotoxicity more likely if  sprays concentration is more than 3x. Use 3 gal. oil per 100 gal. water until Green Tip, 2 gal. from Green Tip until Tight Cluster.  Do not use within 24 to 48 hours before freezing temperatures, or if temperature is below 35F following a freeze. Do not apply within 10 to 14 days of sprays containing captan or sulfur.

Insect: Winter moth or European fruit lecanium

IRAC Product Rate / Acre REI-hours PHI-days Efficacy Comments

Horticultural oil

2 to 3 gal per
100 gal water.
Varies by product, 4 or 12 hours. 0 Rating not available.  Thorugh coverage will suppress overwintered eggs. Winter moth pressure higher near Atlantic coast, less pressure inland.  European fruit lecanium is rarely found.  See comments above about oil dose and cautions.