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Disease: Apple Scab

FRAC Product Rate / Acre REI-hours PHI-days Efficacy Comments
M3 Manzate Pro-Stick 6 lb. 24 


High DO NOT apply more than 24 lb./A/year or apply this rate after bloom.
M3 Penncozeb 75 DF 6.4 lb. 24 Bloom High DO NOT apply more than 24 lb./A/year or apply this rate after bloom.
M3 Dithane F-45 Rainshield 4.8 qt 24 Bloom High DO NOT apply more than 19.2 qt./A/year or apply this rate after bloom.
M3 Polyram 80 DF 6 lb. 24 Bloom High DO NOT apply more than 24 lb./A/year or apply this rate after bloom.
M3 Manzate Pro-Stick 3 lb. 24 77 High DO NOT apply more than 21 lb/A per year.
M3 Penncozeb 75 DF 3.2 lb. 24 77 High DO NOT apply more than 22.4 lb/A per year.
M3 Dithane F-45 Rainshield 2.4 qt. 24 77 High DO NOT apply more than 16.8 qt/A per year.
M3 Polyram 80 DF 3 lb. 24 77 High DO NOT apply more than 21 lb/A per year
M3 Ziram 76DF 6 lb. 48 14 Low DO NOT apply more than 42.4 lb./A or more than 7 applications per year.
M4 Captan 80WDG 5 lb. 24 0 High DO NOT apply captan within 10 days of oil. DO NOT apply more than 40 lb./A of Captan 80 per year.
M4 Captan 50 WP 8 lb.


0 High DO NOT apply captan within 10 days of oil. DO NOT apply more than 64 lb./A of Captan 50WP per year.
M4 Captan 4L 3 to 4 qt. 24 0 High DO NOT apply captan within 10 days of oil. DO NOT apply more than 32 qt./A of Captan 4L per year.





Captan 80WDG 

Manzate Pro-Stick (or equivalent)

2.5 lb.


3 lb.

24 77 High Captan plus mancozeb provides good protection in blocks with low scab inoculum. Adjust rates of other formulations appropriately.
7 Excalia 3 to 4 fl. oz. 12 not after petal fall   Use only between green tip and petal fall. No more than 2 applications. Do not apply with oil.
7 Fontelis 16 to 20 fl. oz. 12 28 High *RM DO NOT tank mix with captan or thinning agents. DO NOT apply more than 61 fl. oz./A per year.
7 Aprovia 5.5 to 7 fl. oz. 12 30 High *RM DO NOT apply more than 27.6 fl oz/A per season. 
7 Sercadis 3.5 to 4.5 fl. oz. 12 0 High *RM DO NOT apply more than 18 fl. oz./A per season.
7 Miravis 3.4 fl oz 12 30 High *RM Do not apply more than 13.6 fl oz per year
9 Vangard 75 WG 7 to 10 fl. oz. 12 72 Moderate *RM DO NOT apply more than 40 fl. oz./A per year. Avoid use above 70º F.
9 Scala SC 5 oz. 12 0 Moderate *RM DO NOT apply more than 30 oz./A per year. Avoid use above 70º F.
7 + 9 Luna Tranquility 11.2 to 16 fl. oz. 12 72  High

*RM Less effective above 70º F. 

3+9 Inspire Super 12 fl oz 12 14    
7 + 11 Luna Sensation 4 to 5.8 fl. oz. 12 14 High *RM DO NOT apply more than 21 fl. oz. per year.
7 + 11 Merivon 4 to 5.5 fl. oz. 12 High *RM DO NOT apply more than 22 fl. oz./A per year. 




Syllit FL 

Manzate Pro-Stick (or equivalent)

1.5 pt.

3 lb.

24 not after pink High To improve efficacy and for resistance management, apply with Manzate Pro-Stick at 3 lb/A rate, or equivalent EBDC. Apply before infection. DO NOT apply more than 2 applications per year. DO NOT apply after pink. 
  Cueva 0.5 to 1.0 gal. 12 0   Do not reapply within 5 days. OMRI-listed.

*RM. Fungicide with a high risk of developing pathogen resistance. Follow resistance management recommendations here.

Disease: Fire Blight

FRAC Product Rate / Acre REI-hours PHI-days Efficacy Comments
F6 LifeGard 4.5 oz./100 gal 4 0 Good Begin applications when green tissue is present, prior to infection period. For Organic production.
  pHorcepHite 2-4 qt. 4 0 Suppression
Begin foliar application after trees are established and once leaves have flushed. Apply at 2-4 week intervals except when disease pressure is high, and then apply at 1-3 week intervals. Do not spray more than 4 times per year. OMRI listed, but with restrictions.

*RM. Fungicide with a high risk of developing pathogen resistance. Follow resistance management recommendations here.

Insect: American Plum Borer, Dogwood Borer. Roundheaded Apple Tree Borer, Other Trunk Boring Insects.

The EPA has ruled that no amount of chlorpyrophos (Lorsban) residue is safe in foods.  Therefore, Lorsban is no longer an option for trunk borer management. 

IRAC Product Rate / Acre REI-hours PHI-days Efficacy Comments
3a, 4A *Endigo ZC 5 to 6 fl oz 24 35    
3, 28 *Besiege 6 to 12  fl oz 24 21    

* = Restricted Use Pesticide

Insect: European Red Mite

IRAC Product Rate / Acre REI-hours PHI-days Efficacy Comments
None Horticultural oil 1 to 2 gal. per
100 gal.
Check label.  Usually 4 or 12 hours. 0 High with thorough coverage. Many brand names.  Phytotoxicity more likely if applied in sprays concentrated more than 3x. Use 2 gal. oil per 100 gal. for application between Green Tip and Tight Cluster.  Do not use within 24 to 48 hours before freezing temperatures, or if temperature is below 35F following a freeze.

* = Restricted Use Pesticide

Insect: Redbanded Leafroller

Control not normally needed at Half-inch Green, and RBLR is usually suppressed by insecticides applied later for other pests.  If treatment needed at HIG, see Insecticide Activity Ratings table for numerous options with High efficacy.

Insect: Rosy Apple Aphid

See Green Tip.

Insect: San Jose Scale

IRAC Product Rate / Acre REI-hours PHI-days Efficacy Comments
None Horticultural oil 2 gal, per 100 gal. water     High Prebloom sprays are more effective if applied dilute, at higher volume. For severe infestations, combine oil with Esteem or Lorsban.
7C Esteem 35WP 4 to 5 oz. 12 45 High In combination with horticultrual oil.

*Centaur 0.7

34.5 oz. 12 14 High Same comment as for oil.

* = Restricted Use Pesticide

Insect: White Prunicola Scale (WPS)

Similar to White peach scale but WPS crawlers are two weeks earlier.  Both species can occur on apple.  See European red mite for oil rate and cautions.  Recommended threshold is 3 to 6 encrusted areas per tree.

Insect: Winter Moth

See Green Tip.  As winter moth larvae begin feeding on exposed tissue, Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki (B.t.k.) products and Intrepid growth regulator that require ingestion for activity become effective options in addition to the materials listed at Green Tip. 

IRAC Product Rate / Acre REI-hours PHI-days Efficacy Comments





B.t.k. product: Agree 3.8WS, Biobit HP (WP), Deliver 18WG, Dipel 10.3F, Javelin 7.5WDG, or Xen Tari 54DF.

See label 4 0

High with proper timing.


Effective against small larvae.  Residual effect lasts for 3 to 5 days.
18A *Intrepid 2F 8 to 16 fl. oz. 4 14 High with proper timing. Insect growth regulator that is most effective if applied when young larvae are feeding.
NA Spear-LEP 1 to 2 pt 4 0   max rate 6 pt per season

* = Restricted Use Pesticide