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  • Orchard Best Management Practices, such as those for Massachusetts, are followed.
  • A soil test is done at least every 3 years on a per block and variety basis.
  • A complete leaf tissue analysis is done at least every 3 years on a per block and variety basis.
  • Fertilizer and/or soil amendments are applied according to leaf tissue analysis and/or soil test.
  • A written nutrient management plan is in place with nutrient application records.
  • Trees are pruned during dormancy so that spray penetration and air circulation are adequate, and diseased wood and fruit mummies are removed.
  • Pruning debris is removed or destroyed using flail chopping or another method such that no residue is present after one year.
  • Summer pruning is done on densely-foliated, vigorous trees.
  • Orchard plantings include dwarfing rootstocks planted at high density using a training system that will reduce spray volume and improve spray deposition.