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1. Dormant to Silver Tip

pest product comments
Fire blight copper  
European red mite horticultural oil  

2. Green Tip

pest product comments
European red mite horticultural oil  

3. Half-Inch Green

pest product comments
Apple scab sulfur  

4. Tight Cluster

pest product comments
Apple scab sulfur  

5. Pink

pest product comments
Apple scab sulfur  
Fire blight Bacillus subtilis Should not need to apply unless there is history of the disease.
European apple sawfly azadirachtin  

6. Bloom

pest product comments
Apple scab sulfur  
Fire blight Bacillus subtilis Depending on fire blight model may need to reapply every 2-7 days.

7. Petal Fall

pest product comments
Apple scab sulfur If fruit thinning is desired, combine with oil.
Lepidoptera Bacillus thuringiensis  
Plum curculio kaolin clay Only necessary if there is plum curculio pressure.

8. Fruit Set (7 to 10 days after Petal Fall)

pest product comments
Sooty blotch, flyspeck Bacillus amyloliquefaciens  
Fire blight Bacillus amyloliquefaciens + copper (low rate product) Any coppers after green tip should be applied under fast drying conditions in as little water as necessary to cover the canopy.
Apple scab sulfur Sulfur is preferrable to copper. Copper is not a good preventative fungicide; must apply immediately before the wetting event.
general insecticide kaolin clay  
Codling moth (Oriental fruit moth) codling moth granulosis virus Not all products target OFM. Time with trap captures and degree day models (250 ddB50 after the first catch). Products may be used for management of first generation at this time OR second generation later in summer, not both. Management of first generation is the best recommended use. 

9. Summer

pest product comments
Sooty blotch, flyspeck Bacillus amyloliquefaciens  
Apple scab sulfur Only necessary if lesions are present.
general insecticide kaolin clay  
general miticide horticultural oil Be careful to avoid phytotoxicity with summer oil, especially if there is sulfur residue, unless there are mite issues.
Lepidoptera Bacillus thuringiensis Including obliquebanded leafroller. Not effective for codling moth.
Codling moth (Oriental fruit moth) codling moth granulosis virus Not all products target OFM. Time with trap captures and degree day models (a second application may be necessary to manage first generation). Products may be used for management of first generation at this time OR second generation later in summer, not both. Management of first generation is the best recommended use. 
Apple maggot azadirachtin

Apple maggot should be targeted based on traps and degree models.

Apple maggot, codling moth spinosad Apple maggot and codling moth should be targeted based on traps and degree models.
  pyrethrum Apple maggot and codling moth should be targeted based on traps and degree models.

For additional materials and details, see the New England Tree Fruit Management Guide Apple Spray Table. The table uses the symbol “§” to indicate materials that are considered organic options under at least some state certifying programs.

IMPORTANT: It is the grower’s responsibility to ensure that any crop production practice or material used in the orchard is acceptable in their particular state’s organic certification program. Some materials deemed organically acceptable on the National List may not be acceptable in some states. Contact your certifier to know what is acceptable and to ensure compliance with regulations in your state.