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New England Resources

Cornell University Resources

General Information on organic production


  • Berkett L., Moran, R., Garcia, E., Darby, H., Parsons, R., Bradshaw, T., Kingsley-Richards, S. and Griffith, M. 2013. Disease and arthropod evaluation of five apple cultivars under organic management in Vermont, USA. Acta Hort 1001: 235-248.
  • Burrell, A. B. 1945. Practical use of our newer knowledge of apple scab control. Proc. N. Y. State Hort. Soc. 90: 9–16.
  • Ellis, M. A., D. C. Ferree, R. C. Funt, and L. V. Madden. 1998. Effects of an apple scab-resistant cultivar on use patterns of inorganic and organic fungicides and economics of disease control. Plant Dis. 82: 428–433.
  • Palmiter, D. H., and R. M. Smock. 1954. Effect of fungicides on McIntosh apple yield and quality: a five-year study under Hudson Valley conditions, 1949-1953. N.Y.S. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bull. 767. 40 p.